
28-03-2023 Molly gave birth to 10 beautiful puppies.

Molly is a dream dog in all her doings.

She is social, she is sweet, she is stable, she is beautiful, in short everything we want to see in an Australian Labradoodle. Because this is Molly's last litter, we couldn't resist keeping another beautiful girl from her, and hoping that she will be just as beautiful as her mama Molly!

And here she is our handsome Hailey!!


Afbeelding van WhatsApp op 2025-01-10 om 12.56.32_a113ba9f

Ecvo Time

Afbeelding van WhatsApp op 2024-12-24 om 08.50.50_385746cb

Happy Holidays


information morning!


Want to become a family?


Loulou babies